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제 4 호 "Share Your Values in S.E.D.A!" Interview with SEDA Representative, Kim Su-bin

  • 작성일 2019-12-04
  • 좋아요 Like 0
  • 조회수 9690

Kicker: SM NEWS

“Share Your Values in S.E.D.A!”

Interview with SEDA Representative, Kim Su-bin

by Eun-ji Lee, Editor-in-chief


  The SM Herald met Kim Su-bin who is the representative of SEDA (SMU English Debate Association). You can get some information about SEDA by reading this interview.

SEDA with Professor Samuel Alexander Denny

Q1. What is SEDA?

A. It is the only English debate club in Sangmyung University. SEDA was formed with guidance from Professor Samuel Alexander Denny in 2008. Every student can join us without distinction of major and improve their debate skill and English skill. We have been conducting discussions with special experiences. For example, we had an opportunity to debate in the British Embassy in Korea. And also, we participated in the debate contest as a campus representative team.

Q2. What topics did SEDA discuss in this year?

A. We have been debating about the death penalty system, reality of Korean education, and the unification of North and South Korea until now.

Q3. How is the discussion going in SEDA?

A. The debate is going on using the Asian parliamentary debate style. The members are divided into a government team and opposition team, and they have an argument for and against a given subject. After the debate, English native professors give us some feedback to improve our debate skills.

Q4. Did you experience a conflict situation during a debate?

A. There has never been any conflict because we have a discussion in a quite generous atmosphere. Sometimes, male members are concerned about female members’ moods when we deal with sensitive issues such as the wage gap between the sexes.

Q5. Is there anything you would like to say for Sangmyung University students?

A. I have become the team leader of SEDA because I get to know the importance of debate sharing opinions with each other. I was able to expand my ideas by inspecting the pros and cons of various subjects. And also, I learned the method to accept the opinions of others. I hope many SMU students will help us develop SEDA more by sharing their values. If you want to join us, pleases apply via the contact information below.

Instagram: @sum_seda

Number: 010-5272-7030