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제 7 호 This Fall, Do Not Fall

  • 작성일 2020-09-24
  • 좋아요 Like 1
  • 조회수 12854


This Fall, Do Not Fall

By Sarah Chae, Editor-in-Chief


  Chaotic times are slowly passing by. Post-corona seems to be around the corner. Summer has already come to an end. How have you been? Some may feel anxious and worry about how to make their second semester of 2020 meaningful. Staying at home might have been fun at first. The thrill of getting up late in the morning was unforgettable. Making dalgona coffee and not going to school sure was interesting. However, as social distancing periods were extended again and again, most of us have run out of ideas of what to do in order to stay strong. Therefore, today, I am going to talk about what we can do to get through this semester without falling down.

If you are depressed, reach out for help!
   If you are having trouble in taking online classes and finishing assignments on time, you are not alone. Keeping up with school work and studies is not easy at all, especially when you are worn out and depressed. Going back and giving up is impossible, and going down might look like the easiest way to get through this semester. Some are saying that this is the chance to do something, but you might be to blue, sick, and tired. If you need help, reach out to the contacts I mentioned in the previous edition’s editorial. (Take a look at ‘How to stay strong in disasters’: https://www.smu.ac.kr/eng-newspaper/editorial.do?mode=view&articleNo=709781&article.offset=0&articleLimit=10#/list ).
 +  If you need help with collecting information and doing research in school assignments, take a look at our previous edition’s cover story. There is information about websites you can browse. (https://www.smu.ac.kr/eng-newspaper/coverstory.do?mode=view&articleNo=707330#/list )

Achieve small missions! (with friends and family)
  The best way to not fall is by making achievements. The word ‘achievement’ might feel like a burden, but I am not talking about something like going on an adventure to find a fortune right now. Just give yourself a small mission that you can feel good about. Make a simple checklist that has at least three easy tasks and one challenging mission. It will feel nice when you finish the easy missions, and you will feel even better when you finish the challenging one! You can take on this quest on your own, or you can do it with a partner. Talking about these missions with friends and family is a good way to motivate each other. You can make a new hobby or habit in this process, and this will also help with getting through these tough times.

  This fall, please do not fall down. You will get through these tough times, and I am sure at the end of it you will think it was worth it.

Sarah Chae, Editor-in-chief


Wrapping Up